
Donate Your Time to Ethos Farm to Health

Open Volunteer Positions

Ethos Farm to Health is actively looking for dedicated volunteers like YOU to help us achieve our mission. Please check out our descriptions below. We are especially in need of volunteers who can be available longer-term on a regular schedule with the exception of short-term events or projects.


Graphic Designer: Working within their own Adobe Creative Cloud subscription for creation of brochures, signage, digital materials who will be overseen by our staff designer. Experience with Constant Contact e-blast software and SEO for websites is desirable but not essential. Illustration skills are desirable but optional

Illustrator: Proficiency with digital and/or hand-drawn art, who will be overseen by our staff designer, for creation of logos, t-shirt and other swag graphics, event signage, other promotional art. Additional graphic design skills are desirable but optional

Community Ambassador: Someone to help with community outreach


Bookkeeping Assistant: Help manage farm paperwork. Must work in the farm office. Scanning receipts, invoices, etc, digital filing and forwarding to bookkeeper


Funding Researcher: Research local philanthropists for clues of potential interest in Ethos Farm to Health, foundations, dig in to USDA, NJ and other grants. Read local publications and social media to pay attention to clues of philanthropists and leaders we should engage locally

Fundraising Dinner Hosts: Host their own friend-raising dinners to help Ethos Farm to Health


Carpenters / Electricians / Plumbers Handymen/women: Help with maintenance and repairs of buildings, farm structures and specific projects for events and fundraising

Tractor / Equipment Technician: Do annual maintenance and repairs on Kubota tractor and smaller gas-powered equipment and hand tools


Farm Market Support: Help out at the weekly farm markets. Set-up and break-down, restocking produce, washing storage containers. Help with roadside stand-setting up, breaking down and stocking

Harvest Support: Help with washing, weighing, logging in of produce as it comes in from the field


We host various events throughout the year (Farm Days Festival, Firefly Dinner, etc.) and always seek volunteers to help us execute! Responsibilities may include directing traffic, helping with set-up/clean-up, helping with a/v support/needs, checking in attendees, helping to coordinate activities, etc. 

Contact us

To apply or inquire about any of the above positions or to make suggestions, please email us at inquiry@ethosfarmtohealth.org